Course Description
Basics of Health Planning course provides a comprehensive introduction to fundamental concepts, principles, and methods of health planning and is addressed to health managers. By giving basic knowledge in planning design, the program also intends to help participants to be prepared to design and conduct qualitative and quantitative research.
This free of charge distance learning course available in Armenian, Russian and English, gives people a unique opportunity to study irrespectively of the place or location, financial possibilities, language, and time. The course is designed in a way, which gives the participants possibility to learn independently with his/her own pace, and stimulates self-sufficient learning experience. This course also seeks to foster and enhance skills and enlarge experience related to the use of technology for accessing and using information, and communicating with colleagues.
The course consists of 8 classes providing basic materials; each class in average may require two-hour individual work. Each class is followed by self-assessment questions. The final exam assesses overall learner achievement. At the end of successful completion of the course, the participant will get the certificate of completion.
Course Objectives (general)
Upon the completion of the course the students should:
• Gain familiarity with health planning process
• Understand components of planning cycle and interrelationships among them
• Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge and to contribute to planning activities in which they participate
• Understand the importance of independent reading and study
• Develop basic computer skills for accessing information and communicating with colleagues
Course Materials
The course consists of eight classes devoted to the following topics:
1. Introduction to planning: definition of planning, its importance, description of health planning models, and the steps of generic planning model
2. Situational analysis: its definition, purpose, process and information needed for it.
3. Quantitative research methods: their features, steps that any survey consists of, main types of study designs, types of data collection methods, and sampling methods.
4. Qualitative research methods: their definition, their difference from "quantitative research methods", use of qualitative methods for planning, main techniques for collecting qualitative information.
5. Priority, goals, objective setting and strategy appraisal: approaches and planning techniques used in priority setting, definitions of "mission", "goal", "aim", "objective", and "target".
6. Resource allocation and budgeting: main approaches used in resource allocation, major types of budgets, and some financial management issues relevant to planners.
7. Planning for implementation and evaluation: definition of programming, difference between program and project, documentation required for any program, program implementation, etc.
8. Health personnel planning: its importance, basic principles and methods used in health personnel planning, and some common problems related to it.
Evaluation of Learner Progress/Certification
Evaluation of the learner progress will be done through scoring the students based on the results of the final exam, which will consist of 20 questions, covering the general content of the course. Each student will have a possibility to pass the exam not more than twice (to ensure that technical or other problems do not prevent students from finishing the course).
At the end of successful completion of the course (a minimum score of 70%), the students will be awarded a certificate of completion. The certificate will be available for downloading on-line.
Technical Requirements
The course is developed for health care providers and professionals working in related fields, who have access to Internet, and appropriate computer hardware and software capabilities. Having some basic computer skills is sufficient for students to be able to participate in the course. In case of limited Internet access, students can download the materials (available in PDF format) and read them off-line, however they should have an access to Internet to pass the on-line test.
In case of any questions related to the access to the course materials or difficulties in using chat, discussion board, or passing the final exam, participants will have constant possibility to contact technical provider available through e-mail.
The communication center is available for students to post questions directed to course administrators and/or communicate with each other. Communication is not required for this course, however the students are encouraged to post their questions on the discussion board and use chat to discuss them in real time setting.
If you have any questions or comments related to the course content you can apply to the course instructors via general e-mail ( .With technical questions please apply to Gayane Sargsyan (
- Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Education on protection of human research participants is becoming a mandatory requirement for investigators and key study personnel worldwide.
The American University of Armenia is offering this online training course (available in three languages: Armenian, Russian, and English) to give interested researchers a possibility to get basic knowledge on human subjects protection.
The course is for the researchers designing and conducting studies involving human participants: for principal investigators and main members of study team, including coordinators, data managers, statisticians, etc.
In general, it presents history of formation, structure, and main functions of the current system for protection of human subjects, fundamental ethical principles underlying main codes and regulations which guide ethical conduct of research as well as some other key issues related to protection of rights and welfare of all human participants involved in research.
Successful completion of the course will allow researchers to obtain certificate required by Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) as part of the package of documents they should present when applied for IRB review/approval of proposed studies.
Good Luck!
- Enrolled students: 267